Use and Care Manual

Tips for success
Unpacking: Open and lift shipping box and other packaging up from the base to avoid damage
to the plant.
Watering: Sufficient watering is a must! Water once a week or when soil appears dry. Water
thoroughly so it reaches the tray underneath. Most houseplants require that the soil dries out
between watering but never completely dry. Overwatering can be as damaging as
underwatering. Be sure your container has adequate drainage holes to avoid standing water.
Pruning: Houseplants rarely need pruning. However, any dead, damaged or unsightly growth
can be removed as needed to maintain an attractive appearance. Often, plants outgrow their
containers and need to be repotted into another larger container to promote further growth.
Winterizing: All houseplants should remain indoors during the cold Winter months. Some of
them can be moved outdoors in shaded areas during Summer months.