User Manual

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
The unlabeled buttons and knobs on the MASCHINE controller.
For better reference, we applied a special formatting here: throughout the document, the ele-
ments are capitalized and numbered, so the buttons above the displays are written Button 1 to
Button 8, while the knobs under the displays are written Knob 1 to Knob 8. E.g., whenever you
see an instruction such as “Press Button 2 to open the EDIT page,” you’ll know it’s the second
button from the left above the displays.
1.3 New Features in MASCHINE 2.7
The following new features have been added to MASCHINE:
Audio plug-in has been introduced. The Audio plug-in can playback audio (drums, percus-
sion, basslines, guitar riffs, etc.) in a Pattern in sync with your Project. Use in Loop mode
to repeat audio for the duration of the Patten Length, or use Gated mode to selectively
playback audio and pitch it using MIDI note events. For more information on the Audio
plug-in, refer the chapter: 7, Using the Audio Plug-in.
Welcome to MASCHINE
New Features in MASCHINE 2.7
MASCHINE - Manual - 27