User Manual

The Pattern Arrange mode in the controller displays: Keyboard view (top) and Group view (bottom).
In Pattern Arrange mode, the displays of your controller show the following:
The left display provides an overview of the whole Pattern:
The display follows the Group or Keyboard view of the Pattern Editor in the software
and the mode of your pads: if your pads are in Group mode the display shows all
events for all Sounds in the Group; if your pads are in Keyboard mode the display
shows all notes at all pitches for the focused Sound. See section 10.1.5, Group View
and Keyboard View for more information.
The velocity of each event/note is indicated by its transparency. Selected events/notes
are highlighted. You can also select individual events using the Page buttons (left of
the displays).
The overview includes a timeline (1). A white vertical line indicates the current play-
back position (2). In addition, a frame (3) shows you which part of your arrangement
is currently shown in the right display (see below).
Working with Patterns
Pattern Basics
MASCHINE - Manual - 429