User Manual

The SIDE-CHAIN INPUT page of the Compressor Plug-in on the controller.
Please refer to section 2.3.9, Navigating Channel Properties, Plug-ins, and Parameter
Pages in the Control Area to know how to access Parameter pages.
The parameters of the side-chain input are not available in the Plug-in panel of the
Plug-in Strip.
Parameter Description
INPUT Section
Source Selects the audio signal you want to use as side-chain signal to
control the Plug-in. Available options are None (side-chain
disabled, default setting), the outputs of all (other) Sounds , and
the outputs of all (other) Groups.
In the menu these outputs are labeled as follows:
For Groups: [Group name] (e.g., Drums)
For Sounds: [Group name]: [Sound name] (e.g., Drums: Kick)
In the selector display these outputs are labeled as follows:
For Groups: [Group name] (e.g., Drums)
For Sounds: [Group letter+number]:S[Sound number] (e.g., A1:S4 for
the Sound 4 of Group A1)
Using Effects
Applying Effects to a Sound, a Group or the Master
MASCHINE - Manual - 640