User's Manual

Click Yes to confirm.
The data is imported.
Switching to TRAKTOR Default Settings
When you start TRAKTOR with the S2 for the first time, TRAKTOR asks if you want to
switch switch Mixer FX selection to default values. This is necessary to get the intended user ex-
perience of your S2:
TRAKTOR alert for switching Mixer FX pre-selection to default.
Click Yes.
The pre-selection of the Mixer FX is set to default.
Configuring TRAKTOR using the Setup Wizard
The Setup Wizard dialog appears automatically when you start TRAKTOR for the first time after
installation. The Setup Wizard helps you to configure the software to your needs only with a few
clicks. To configure TRAKTOR to be controlled with your S2 controller, perform the following ac-
1. On the WELCOME page click Next to proceed.
2. On the DECK LAYOUT page select the Deck setup to control with your S2, for example, 2
Track Decks + 2 Remix Decks.
3. Click Next to proceed.
The SUMMARY page shows you the configuration of TRAKTOR.
4. Click Finish to confirm your configuration.
The TRAKTOR window now appears in the Essential Layout.