User's Manual

Table Of Contents
The MAIN parameters Mode and Type.
17.5.1. MAIN Mode
The first MAIN parameter is Mode. On the keyboard, it is mapped to Knob 1 of the Control section
in Arp Edit mode. lt lets you select either Arp or Note Repeat. Depending on your selection, a dif-
ferent set of Arpeggiator parameters will be available for further editing.
The Mode setting consists of the following two modes:
Arp mode, which generates arpeggiator sequences based on chords you play on the key-
board, or the output of the Scale engine. With ARP switched on and Mode set to Arp, any
chord you created using the Scale engine will play as an arpeggiated note sequence. In this
case, you only need to press one key on the keyboard to hear the arpeggiated notes play out
according to the selected scale.
Note Repeat mode, which deactivates the Arpeggiator and instead repeats whichever note is
input until KOMPLETE KONTROL receives a MIDI note-off message. Use the parameters
Rate, Swing, and Gate to change the rhythm of the repeats.
17.5.2. MAIN Type
The second MAIN parameter, Type, is only available in Arp mode. On the keyboard, it is mapped
to Knob 2 of the Control section in Arp Edit mode. It sets the sequential order of the arpeggiated
notes. Choose whether your arpeggiated chord should be played from the root note and up, the
other way around, or even simultaneously. Selecting Order Played will play back the notes in the
order you pressed down the corresponding keys on the KOMPLETE KONTROL keyboard. Auto-
mating the Type parameter in the host can create interesting variations and textures.
The Type setting includes the following values:
Up, Down, Up & Down (UP-DOWN on the keyboard), Order Played (PLAYED on the key-
board), Chord
17.6. RHYTHM Parameters
The RHYTHM parameters Rate, Sequence, and Swing allow you to create interesting rhythms for
the arpeggiator sequence.
Smart Play – Playing and Editing Arpeggiator Sequences