User Manual

Table Of Contents
Pattern puts the new recording into an Audio plug-in in the next unoccupied Sound Slot
and additionally creates a new Pattern where only this loop is being played (useful for cap-
turing different versions of a part and quickly reviewing them by switching Patterns). For
more information, refer to 17.2, Recording Audio.
Added a new workflow to MASCHINE JAM which automates the use of the new Target pa-
rameter for fast sampling and layering. Holding the IN 1 button enables this new Loop Re-
cording mode (it’s also helpful to pin this mode on by holding IN 1 and pressing the SONG
button). While this new Loop Recording mode is active, pressing an existing Pattern will
trigger a recording of a new loop which is then added as a new Sound in the existing Pat-
tern; doing this repeatedly allows you to quickly layer recordings on top of each other. Al-
ternatively, pressing an empty Pattern button will trigger a recording and will then place
that recording in a new Sound Slot and a new Pattern will be created where only the new
loop is playing back. When pressing the IN 1 button, External Input 1 is selected as the
source for the recording. Pressing GRP while in the Loop Recording mode will select the
focused Group as the source. Pressing MST will select MASCHINE’s Master output as the
source (for resampling what is currently playing). For more information, refer to the MA-
SCHINE JAM Manual available from Help menu.
Added footswitch control of Sampling. When in the Sampling page, or when the Loop Re-
cording mode is enabled on MASCHINE JAM, a connected footswitch can be used to con-
trol recording. Pressing the footswitch will arm a recording according to the current set-
tings. Pressing the footswitch again before recording has actually started will cancel the re-
cording. If recording is in progress, pressing the footswitch once will stop the recording,
double-pressing will abort the recording (any recorded audio to that point will be discard-
ed). If the recording is complete, holding the footswitch down for a few moments will trig-
ger Undo so you can try another take. For more information, refer to the MASCHINE JAM
Manual available from Help menu, or to the following section when using MASCHINE MK3
or MASCHINE STUDIO: Using the Footswitch for Recording Audio.
Improved the automatic tempo detection of the Audio plug-in so that it now chooses a tem-
po that’s closest to your current project tempo. For example, if your project tempo is 170
BPM and you load a loop which should be 174 BPM, MASCHINE will now set the Source
Tempo as 174 BPM instead of 87 BPM as it did previously.
Added a Re-Pitch sync mode to the Audio plug-in which simply retunes/repitches the loop
(like speeding up or slowing down a record) to make it conform to the Project tempo. This
mode requires significantly less CPU power than the default mode, but you will not be able
Welcome to MASCHINE
New Features in MASCHINE 2.7.4
MASCHINE MIKRO - Manual - 30