User Manual

Table Of Contents
Element Description
Tune Adjusts the pitch of the drum played by the middle C, measured in
MIDI note numbers and cents. Available values range from 31.00 to
55.00. The default value is 43.00. For more details see 9.1.5,
Pitch Range, Tuning, and MIDI Notes.
Decay Adjusts the duration of the sound’s tail, measured as a percentage.
Available values range from 0.0 to 100.0 % (default: 50.0 %).
Bend Adjusts the amount of pitch envelope applied throughout the sound
duration, measured as a percentage. Available values range from
0.0 to 100.0 % (default: 6.8 %). Low values give a more gentle
sound. As Bend is increased, the kick becomes more punchy; at
higher values, the pitch envelope is more clearly audible as an
actual pitch bend.
Impact Adjusts the amount of attack. Available values range from 0.0 %
(soft attack) to 100 % (maximum attack). The default value is
75.0 %.
Advanced Page
The Advanced page contains controls for the distortion.
Element Description
Gain Adjusts the distortion gain, measured as a percentage. Available
values range from 0.0 to 100.0 % (default: 70.0 %). Increase Gain
to get a more distorted drum sound.
Tone Adjusts the color of the distortion, measured as a percentage.
Available values range from 0.0 to 100.0 % (default: 25.0 %).
Using the Drumsynths
The Kicks
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