User Manual

Table Of Contents
These parameters affect only your next hits on the pads: They don’t modify the velocity of ex-
isting events.
11.3.2 Editing Events in Step Mode
In Step mode you can quickly adjust the parameters of events on particular steps.
Quick Edit Shortcuts for the Selected Steps
You can quickly adjust the velocity, position, and pitch of any events via the Quick Edit short-
1. Press and hold the pad(s) of the step(s) you want to edit.
2. To adjust the velocity, press the VOLUME (Velocity) button and turn the Encoder.
3. To finely adjust the position, press the SWING (Position) button and turn the Encoder.
4. To adjust the pitch, press TEMPO (Tune) button and turn the Encoder.
The adjusted value appears on the display. When you are done, release the pad(s).
Editing Events in Step Mode on the Controller
In Step mode on your controller, each event you create is automatically selected (and the pre-
vious selection is dropped). You can then adjust the pitch and position of this last created
event via the various commands available on your pads while holding SHIFT see section
11.4.4, Editing Selected Events/Notes, 11.4.5, Deleting Events/Notes, 11.4.6, Cut, Copy,
and Paste Events/Notes, and 11.4.7, Quantizing Events/Notes for more information on the
available commands.
Working with Patterns
Recording Patterns with the Step Sequencer
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