User Manual

Table Of Contents
Listed here are all available mouse actions from the Mouse Edit modes. For more details on
specific actions, please refer to the other sections in 11.4, Editing Events.
Mouse in Select Mode
The following table is an overview of available mouse actions in Select mode (works in both
Group view and Keyboard view, see 11.1.5, Group View and Keyboard View).
Action Function
Creating Notes
(see 11.4.2, Creating Events/Notes for
Double-click in Event area’s background Creates a note.
Deleting Notes
(see 11.4.5, Deleting Events/Notes for
Double-click note Delete selected notes.
Right-click (macOS: [Ctrl]-click) and select
Delete from the menu.
Delete selected notes.
Selecting Notes
(see 11.4.3, Selecting Events/Notes for
Click unselected note Select a note.
[Shift] + click unselected note Add note to current selection.
[Shift] + click selected note Remove note from selection.
Drag in Event area’s background Multiple selection (selection frame).
Click in Event area’s background Deselect all notes.
Working with Patterns
Editing Events
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