User Manual

Table Of Contents
To apply full or half quantization:
1. Select the events you wish to quantize. If nothing is selected, the whole Pattern content
will be quantized. See 11.4.3, Selecting Events/Notes to know how to select events.
2. To apply full quantization to the selected events, press SHIFT + pad 5 (QUANTIZE).
3. To apply only a bit of quantization to keep the groove you created by playing your notes
live, press SHIFT + pad 6 (QUANTIZE 50%).
You can repeatedly apply QUANTIZE 50% until you are happy; you could for example apply it until
the notes are close enough to the Step Grid to sound tight, but loose enough to maintain their basic
“feel.” If it is too quantized for you, just press SHIFT + pad 1 to undo the last change.
11.4.8 Quantization While Playing
Input Quantization mode allows you to quantize events also as you play them on the pads.
The Input Quantization settings previously available have been renamed to include the new In-
put Quantization mode now Input Quantization can be set to following modes in the Prefer-
None: Input Quantization is disabled. Events you play or record on the pads are not quan-
Record: Input Quantization is applied only when you record the pads.
Play/Rec: Input Quantization is applied both when you play on the pads and when you re-
cord them.
In Play/Rec mode the quantization applied while playing is slightly different from the quantization
applied while recording: When recording, all events are quantized to the closest step possibly
ahead of the event. When playing, on the other hand, events occurring in the first half of the steps
are left untouched (since you cannot bring them forward in the timeline!) whereas events occurring
in the second half of the steps are quantized to the next step.
Choosing an Input Quantization Mode
In the software the Input Quantization can be configured via the Quantize setting available in
the Input section at the bottom of the General page in the Preferences panel:
Working with Patterns
Editing Events
MASCHINE MIKRO - Manual - 445