User Manual

Table Of Contents
Additionally, when you hold SHIFT, the pads provide you with useful shortcuts and commands
for your everyday work with MASCHINE.
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The Pad section on your controller: the Mode buttons (1) to (8), the pads (9), and the Pad Input Mode buttons (10) to (14).
Mode Buttons
The Mode buttons (1) to (8) are located in the column left of the pads. They switch the pads
and your controller to a series of modes dedicated to specific workflows:
(1) MUTE button: Enters Mute mode. In this mode, you can instantly mute Sounds and Groups
by pressing the corresponding pads and Group buttons. This is good for getting on top of your
production when you have many sounds playing and especially useful for performing live. Mut-
ed Sounds/Groups are represented by half-lit pads, while audible Sounds/Groups are represent-
ed by fully lit pads.
(2) SOLO button: Enters Solo mode. In this mode, you can instantly solo any Sound or Group
(equals muting all other Sounds/Groups) by pressing its pad or Group button. This is useful to
tweak the Sound or for performing live. The pad of the soloed Sound or Group is fully lit, while
all other pads (representing the muted Sounds/Groups) are dimmed.
Quick Reference
MASCHINE Hardware Overview
MASCHINE MIKRO - Manual - 46