User Manual

Table Of Contents
The Sound slot now mirrors the Plug-in name.
For more information on renaming Sound slots, see section 5.2.3, Renaming Sound Slots.
14.3.2 Step 2: Route Audio to the Send Effect
Once you have configured a Sound or Group as send effect (see 14.3.1, Step 1: Set Up a
Sound or Group as Send Effect), you can send the output of any other Sounds and Groups to
that Sound or Group. For this purpose, each Sound and each Group is equipped with an addi-
tional two auxiliary outputs available in its Output properties.
Here we describe the procedure in Arrange view. You can also do this in Mix view see section
12.1.2, Configuring the Main Output of Sounds and Groups.
You can repeat the process to route more Sounds/Groups to the same send effect, or route the
same Sound/Group to an additional send effect send using AUX 2.
14.3.3 A Few Notes on Send Effects
When working with send effects, please keep in mind the following:
You cannot send the Master output to send effects.
You cannot send a send effect’s output to itself, nor the output of a Group to one of its own
However, you can:
Chain several Sounds configured as send effects by sending the output of a send effect in-
to another send effect using the method described above (see 14.3.2, Step 2: Route Au-
dio to the Send Effect).
Use the Effect Plug-ins loaded in a Group to simultaneously process its own Sounds and
other Sounds/Groups sent to it.
This opens up virtually endless routing possibilities!
Using Effects
Creating a Send Effect
MASCHINE MIKRO - Manual - 587