User Manual

Table Of Contents
Parameter Description
Stereo This parameter widens the stereo field of the effect.
OUTPUT Section
Freeze Enabling Freeze both mutes the dry signal and traps the current
state of the Reverb output in a temporary buffer to make it last
much longer. This is a powerful tool for playing live: By
simultaneously tweaking the Mix knob nearby, you can create
striking breaks! Setting the EQ’s Low and High controls to
generous values will further increase the effect.
Mix Mix lets you adjust the amount of the effect in relation to the
dry original audio signal.
15.4.5 Reverb
The Reverb effect provides three different modes which are described in this section.
The Room Reverb panel in the Plug-in Strip. Reverb Room
The Room mode is suited to drum and percussive sounds, and particularly sounds good when
used on snares. Modulate the Room Size, and Pre Delay parameters to create special effects.
Effect Reference
Spatial and Reverb Effects
MASCHINE MIKRO - Manual - 627