User Manual

Table Of Contents
Take Undo allows you to cancel your last group of actions.
Step Undo
Step Undo/Redo is the classic undo/redo found in most applications. It cancels or re-executes
each single action you have performed.
In the software use the following keyboard shortcuts for the Step Undo and Step Redo func-
To cancel your last action (Step Undo), press [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[Z] ([Cmd]+ [Shift]+ [Z] on
macOS). To re-execute your last action (Step Redo), press [Ctrl]+ [Shift]+ [Y] ([Cmd]+
[Shift]+ [Y] on macOS). You can also select Undo Step and Redo Step from the Edit
menu in the Application Menu Bar or from the Edit submenu in the MASCHINE menu.
The commands in the Edit menu additionally shows which action will be undone/redone!
Take Undo
Suppose you have just recorded a 16th-note hi-hat beat over four bars, but then decide to can-
cel it. Normally you would have to cancel the 64 notes one at a time, repeatedly calling the
undo function 64 times in a row. This is what Take Undo has been made for!
Take Undo/Redo is an extended undo/redo available while recording that allows you to cancel
or re-execute a whole group of actions at once.
Take Undo/Redo is the default undo/redo in MASCHINE. In the software use the common key-
board shortcuts for the Undo and Redo functions:
To cancel your last group of actions, press [Ctrl]+[Z] ([Cmd]+[Z] on macOS). To re-exe-
cute your last group of actions, press [Ctrl]+[Y] ([Cmd]+[Y] on macOS). You can also se-
lect Undo and Redo from the Edit menu in the Application Menu Bar or from the Edit
submenu in the MASCHINE menu.
The commands in the Edit menu additionally shows which action will be undone/redone!
Basic Concepts
Common Operations
MASCHINE MIKRO - Manual - 72