User Manual

Table Of Contents
Parameter Description
LENGTH (Stretch
Length, Beat mode
with Auto Detection
enabled only)
If AUTO DTCT is enabled, you can define the length of the target
audio (in bars). Please note that any change to the SRC BPM value
(see above) will be automatically mirrored by this LENGTH value. Once
you have set the number of bars in the source audio, you can set here
another number of bars, thereby dividing or multiplying the tempo of
the target audio. Available values are 1/16, 1/8, 1/4, 1/2, 1, 2, 4, and
8 bars, as well as the corresponding triplet values.
(Free mode only)
Adjusts the new tempo relative to the original tempo (in percentage).
The minimum value is 10 %.
In Beat mode, if you set a target tempo that is smaller than a tenth of the original tempo, the Apply
button will be disabled. Set a higher target tempo to enable the Apply button again!
Once you have set the parameters to the desired values, click Apply to apply the pitch
shifting and/or time stretching to the selected region in the Sample, or Cancel to let the
Sample untouched.
17.4 Slicing a Sample
Slicing allows you to chop up loops to extract single Sounds (the drum sounds of a drum loop
for example), but it's also good for preparing a loop to be played back at another tempo without
changing its pitch or timing. The resulting Slices can then be exported to different notes of the
same Sound or to different Sounds of the same Group.
The Slice page of the Sample Editor in the software and its equivalent the SLICE page of the
Sampling mode on your controller allow you to slice your Samples in various ways.
The typical workflow for slicing your Samples is as follows:
1. Open the Slice page (SLICE page on the controller): 17.4.1, Opening the Slice Page.
2. Choose a method for slicing along with a few settings depending on the chosen method:
17.4.2, Adjusting the Slicing Settings.
Sampling and Sample Mapping
Slicing a Sample
MASCHINE MIKRO - Manual - 746