User Manual

Table Of Contents
from Patterns [474]
External audio [489] [582]
External Plug-ins [293]
Favorites [154]
Add [154]
Remove [154]
Show [154]
Favorites button [41]
File type
selecting in Browser [139]
File Type selector [54] [127]
FILES pane [165]
FILES tab [53]
Filter [609]
Filter (Sampler) [288]
Filtering effects [607]
FIXED VEL button [49]
Fixed Velocity [229]
Flanger [616]
FM [617]
FOLLOW button [45]
Frequency Shifter [619]
Gate [595]
Gate mode [314]
Grain Delay [636]
Grain Stretch [638]
Groove [237]
Groove properties [237]
definition [784]
applying effects to [571]
color [203]
copying and pasting [206]
creating [200]
definition [62] [784]
deleting [211]
duplicating [206]
Groove properties [237]
Group List [179]
Input properties (MIDI page) [511]
introduction [179]
load with Patterns [153]
Macro properties [531]
moving [210]
multi-effect [588] [778]
muting and soloing [233]
MASCHINE MIKRO - Manual - 796