User Manual

Table Of Contents
pasting [193]
resetting slot [197]
saving [191]
sending MIDI [527]
set up as send effect [585]
soloing [233]
Sound List [179]
triggering via MIDI notes [511]
Sound List [179]
Sound slot
naming [189]
number [234]
resetting [197]
SOUND tab [58]
Soundcard [777]
input and output routing [94]
selecting inputs and outputs [94]
settings [94]
Stand-alone application [87]
definition [789]
STEP button [48]
Step Grid [60] [417]
definition [789]
Step mode
definition [789]
Step mode (controller) [426]
Step sequencer (controller) [426]
Step Undo/Redo [72] [73]
STOP button [45]
Strip Mode buttons [43]
definition [789]
quickly adjusting from the controller
(Sound/Group/Project) [70]
SWING button [42] [70]
Sync to External MIDI Clock [97] [118]
MASCHINE MIKRO - Manual - 809