User's Manual

Table Of Contents
To create a new tag in any column, click the +symbol at the bottom of the column,
enter the desired tag name with your computer keyboard and press [Enter] to confirm.
Adding a new Sub-Type for the Loops Type.
Deleting Tags
Tags in the TYPES and CHARACTERS pages cannot be deleted manually. However, if a tag is
not assigned to any file anymore, it will be automatically removed from its column.
4.5.4 The Properties Page
The PROPERTIES page is only available when opening the Attribute Editor from the Library
The PROPERTIES page of the Attribute Editor.
The PROPERTIES page displays three additional attributes of the selected files:
Vendor: Use this field to indicate the manufacturer of the selected files. Click the down-
pointing arrow on the right to quickly select any Vendor attribute already in use in other
files of the Library.
Author: Use this field to indicate the author of the selected files. Click the down-pointing
arrow on the right to quickly select any Author attribute already in use in other files of the
Comment: Use this field to add any other information about the selected files.
Editing the Files’ Tags and Properties
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