User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Loading Files from the Result List
You can load files from the Result list using the same methods as in the Result list of the
LIBRARY pane: via double-click or via drag-and-drop. For all details, please refer to section
4.2.8, Loading a File from the Result List.
Additional Features in the Result List
Right-click ([Ctrl]-click on macOS) any entry in the Result list to open a context menu
with additional commands.
The context menu in the Result list of the FILES pane (Windows depicted).
Following commands are available:
Add to Favorites (folders only) Adds the selected folder to your Favorites. See section
4.6.2, Using Favorites for more information.
Import to Library (folders only) Imports the selected folder(s) into the Library. See section
4.6.5, Using the Result List for more information.
Refresh Refreshes the display of the list, in case items have been
modified in that folder.
Find in Exporer / Find in Finder Opens an Explorer/Finder window pointing to the selected
Loading and Importing Files from Your File System
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