User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Condition Enharmonic Spelling
Scale Type is set to
C C# D D# E F F# G G# A A#
Scale Type is not set to
C C# D E E F F# G A A B B
Chord Mode is set to
Chord Set and Chord
Type is set to Major 1-8
C D D E E F F# G A A B B
Chord Mode is set to
Chord Set and Chord
Type is set to Minor
C C# D D# E F F# G G# A B B
Erasing Notes
When erasing notes from your controller, the notes effectively deleted vary with the Chord Mode
currently selected:
If Chord Mode is set to Off, the notes with the pitch corresponding to the pressed pad are
If Chord Mode is set to Harmonizer, only the notes with the pitch of the pressed pad are
deleted. The other notes in the triggered chord are not deleted.
If Chord Mode is set to Chord Set, no notes are deleted, in other words erasing is disabled.
6.4.4 Creating Arpeggios and Repeated Notes
MASCHINE includes a flexible and versatile Arp engine, an arpeggiator that effectively lets you
play your Sounds in note sequences. The arpeggios are created according to both the pads you
hold and the chords configured with the Scale and Chord engine (see section 6.4.2, Selecting
a Scale and Creating Chords).
If you have enabled chords, you can even press more than one pad to include the notes of all corre-
sponding chords into your arpeggio!
Playing on the Controller
Performance Features
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