User's Manual

Table Of Contents
7.2.6 Page 6: Velocity / Modwheel
Sampler parameters – page 6 of 6: VELOCITY DESTINATION and MODWHEEL DESTINATION in the software.
This section allows you to use the input velocity in order to modulate various parameters.
Parameter Modulation Destination
Start Start parameter of the PITCH / GATE section on the Pitch / Envelope
page (page 2). Positive values shift the Sample start position later in
time as you play harder, negative values shift it closer to the
beginning of the Sample as you play harder.
Tip: a typical example for this parameter is setting it so that the
initial attack transient of a snare drum is heard only at high velocity
values. This makes it sound “snappier” when you play hard, and
“muffled” or muted when you play softly.
Decay Decay parameter of the AMPLITUDE ENVELOPE section on the
Pitch / Envelope page (page 2).
Cutoff Cutoff parameter of the FILTER section (with filter types LP2, HP2,
BP2 only) on the FX / Filter page (page 3).
Volume This allows you to modulate the volume, which is what velocity
normally is used for.
Here you can determine how incoming MIDI data sent by the Modulation Wheel affects various
Working with Plug-ins
The Sampler Plug-in
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