User's Manual

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A new empty Pattern is created in the selected Pattern slot. The new Pattern is loaded in
the Pattern Editor with an empty Event area. Furthermore, this Pattern is referenced by a
Clip for the selected Group in the current Scene in the Arranger. This Clip replaces any
previous Clip for the Group in that Scene (see chapter 16.3, Using Song View for more
on this). Creating a New Pattern on Your Controller
To create a new empty Pattern in the current Pattern bank, press PATTERN + any unlit
A new empty Pattern is created at this position in the current Pattern bank. Additionally:
The new Pattern is selected and displayed in the software’s Pattern Editor. You can then
modify it both from your controller and in the software.
The new Pattern is referenced by a Clip for the selected Group in the current Scene. This
Clip replaces any previous Clip for the Group in that Scene (see chapter 16.3, Using Song
View for more on this).
You don’t need to explicitly create a new empty Pattern before filling it with events: If no Pattern is
selected, as soon as you record events a new Pattern will be created for them! See section 11.4.2,
Creating Events/Notes for more information on creating events.
11.7.4 Deleting Patterns
To delete a Pattern:
1. Open the Pattern Manager (see 11.7.1, The Pattern Manager and Pattern Mode).
2. If necessary, select the Pattern bank containing the desired Pattern by clicking its pad
grid on the right.
The selected Pattern bank is surrounded by a white border and its Patterns appear in the
list on the left.
Working with Patterns
Managing Patterns
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