User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Pattern: Select this Target to record in a similar way to the Sound Target described
above, except that each new recording will also be assigned to a new Pattern on its
own. This mode can be useful when you want to record different variations of a part
and then review the variations easily by playing each Pattern. For example, the first
recording made will be placed into an Audio plug-in in the first available Sound Slot
in the Group, and then a new Pattern will be created where only this new recording is
playing back. Making another recording will result in the recording being loaded into
another unused Sound Slot, and another new Pattern will be made where only this
most recent recording is playing. If you then switch back to the previous Pattern,
you’ll hear only the previous recording (the newest will automatically be disabled in
the previous Pattern).
Monitoring the Input Signal
Visually controlling the input signal.
The level meters above the RECORDING section show you at any time the level of the selected
audio source. For example, this can come in handy to adjust the appropriate threshold in De-
tect mode. For this purpose, in Detect mode the level meters additionally provide a fader ad-
justing the threshold level, this fader is a strict equivalent to the THRESHOLD control descri-
bed above. This way, you can easily visualize when the input signal exceeds the current thresh-
old (and hence, when it would start the recording) and adjust that threshold accordingly.
Monitoring the input signal.
Furthermore, if you have selected an external signal (Ext. Ster. or Ext. Mono selected in
SOURCE), an additional MONITOR section appears on the right. In this section, activate the
MONITOR button to send the input signal to the Cue bus of MASCHINE, allowing you to hear
on a separate channel (e.g., your headphones) the audio source that is about to be recorded.
For more information on how to use the Cue bus, please refer to section 13.2.6, Using the Cue
Sampling and Sample Mapping
Recording Audio
MASCHINE MIKRO - Manual - 728