User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Click the little cross at the top right corner of a mini waveform to delete this particular re-
Drag any mini waveform to another Sound slot to load it in that Sound.
Right-click (macOS: [Ctrl]-click) any mini waveform in the Audio Pool to open a context menu
with the following commands:
Command Description
Delete Deletes the displayed take from the Audio Pool. This has the same
effect as clicking the little cross at the top right corner of the
selected mini waveform in the Audio Pool.
Remove unused
Deletes from the Audio Pool all takes that are not currently mapped
to any Zone in the Zone page.
Map recordings to
Automatically maps all recordings of the Audio Pool to Zones in the
Zone page. The created Zones are put on adjacent keys and cover the
entire velocity range. Any existing Zones will be replaced.
All recordings (takes) in the Audio Pool are saved with the Project. When you close the current
Project, all of your takes are saved as audio files and available for later use in the Audio Pool, un-
less you explicitly delete them (via the MASCHINE software or in your operating system).
17.2.6 Location and Name of Your Recorded Samples
By default, recorded Samples (takes) are saved in the Recordings subfolder of your Standard
User Directory, as defined on the User pane of the Library page in the Preferences panel (see
3.6.4, Preferences Default Page). If you activate the Prefer Project Folder option on the
General page of the Preferences panel (see 3.6.1, Preferences General Page), recorded
Samples will be saved instead in a Recordings subfolder of the folder where your current
Project is saved.
Recorded Samples are automatically named using the following scheme:
In the name above, [YYMMDD] stands for the current date (year, month, day, all 2-digit num-
bers) and [HHMMSS] for the current time (hours, minutes, seconds, all 2-digit numbers).
Sampling and Sample Mapping
Recording Audio
MASCHINE MIKRO - Manual - 734