User's Manual

Table Of Contents
The Audio Toolbar provides following audio processing functions:
Command Description
TRUNCATE This deletes the part of the Sample that is outside of the selected
NORM. (Normalize) This adjusts the level of the selected region to the maximum possible
value without clipping.
REVERSE This reverses the selected region of the Sample.
FADE IN This applies a fade in to the selected region of the Sample.
FADE OUT This applies a fade out to the selected region of the Sample.
DC CORRECT This removes the DC offset. DC offset (“Direct Current offset”) is an
undesirable constant shift in the signal level that might be
introduced by some audio processing units. This offset can notably
waste some of the available headroom.
SILENCE This silences the selected region of the Sample.
CUT This deletes the selected region from the Sample and places it into
the clipboard for later use.
COPY This copies the selected region of the Sample to the clipboard for
later use.
PASTE This pastes the cut/copied region of the Sample, replacing the region
of the Sample currently selected.
DUPL. (Duplicate) This duplicates the selected region of the Sample. The copy is
placed right after the original region.
STRETCH This allows you to apply time stretching and/or pitch shifting to the
selected region of the Sample. See below for a detailed description.
Time Stretching / Pitch Shifting
When you select STRETCH in the Audio Toolbar, the bottom of the Edit page switches to the
following set of controls:
Sampling and Sample Mapping
Editing a Sample
MASCHINE MIKRO - Manual - 740