User Manual

Table Of Contents
7.3.2. Adjusting Tempo
You can adjust the tempo in the software and from the keyboard.
Adjusting Tempo in the Software
The Tempo control allows you to set the tempo in BPM (beats per minute):
1. Click the display and drag the mouse up or down.
2. Alternatively, double-click the display and enter a value numerically.
The tempo adjusts in increments of one.
Adjusting Tempo from the Keyboard
You can also use the KOMPLETE KONTROL keyboard to set the tempo in BPM (beats per mi-
Hold TEMPO and turn Knob 1 in the Control section.
The tempo adjusts in increments of 1 BPM.
7.4. Adjusting Master Volume
The Master Volume slider lets you adjust the overall output volume of KOMPLETE KONTROL.
The Volume meter shows the current peak level of the output signal.
Master Volume controls.
In order to adjust the output volume:
Click and drag the slider to the left or to the right.
This will adjust the output volume in 0.5 dB increments from -30 dB to +10 dB. Below -30 dB,
the keyboard’s volume control is exponentially scaled and quickly lowers the output signal to
complete silence.
7.5. Preferences
In the Preferences you can specify various settings for KOMPLETE KONTROL.
To open the Preferences:
Click Edit > Preferences in the KOMPLETE KONTROL menu:
Global Controls and Preferences