User's Manual

Table Of Contents
The TEMPO fader mode can be changed on the Kontrol S3 page in the TRAKTOR Preferences.
5.8. Locking the Key of Tracks
When synchronizing tracks, you change their tempos and, consequently, their pitches (or keys).
Slowing down a track will cause its pitch to drop while speeding up the track will cause its pitch to
rise. This is not problematic for small tempo adjustments, but if the tempo change is more drastic,
the resulting pitch shift might sound unnatural, especially for vocals.
To avoid this, you can use the KEYLOCK function on the S3 Deck to lock the track's current key
value. When you then move the TEMPO fader up or down, you change the track tempo but the
track's key remains at the locked value.
To lock the key for a track:
1. Load a track into a Deck.
2. Set the TEMPO fader to center tempo position.
3. Press the KEYLOCK button on the Deck to lock the key for the track.
4. Move the TEMPO fader up or down to change the track tempo.
The track tempo changes but the key value remains at the locked value.
5.9. Playing with Mixer Effects
A Mixer FX is a grouped effect that can be applied to the audio signal in the Mixer channel using
the Mixer FX Amount knob. You can choose one of four preselected Mixer FX using the FX SE-
LECT buttons:
Filter: The FX SELECT 1 button lights up red.
Reverb: The FX SELECT 2 button lights up green.
Dual Delay: The FX SELECT 3 button lights up blue.
Flanger: The FX SELECT 4 button lights up red.
Besides the Filter Effect, each Mixer FX consists of the individual Effect and a Filter Effect. De-
pending on the direction you turn the FX Amount knob, you either apply the Mixer FX in combina-
tion with a low-pass Filter, or with a high-pass Filter.
Selecting a Mixer FX
To select a Mixer FX:
Press the FX SELECT button corresponding to the Mixer FX you want to add.
The FX SELECT button brightly lights up, indicating the Mixer FX is selected.
Applying the Mixer FX to the Audio Signal
To apply the selected Mixer FX in combination with a low-pass Filter to the audio signal:
Turn the Mixer FX Amount knob counterclockwise.
To apply the selected Mixer FX in combination with a high-pass Filter to the audio signal: