User Manual

The Header is the topmost row of controls in the MASCHINE software window. It contains
global settings, such as the Master Volume slider, the Transport controls, controls for global
swing, tempo, time signature, etc.
Keyboard View
Keyboard view is the view of the Pattern Editor in which only events of the selected Sound are
visible and editable. The Keyboard view provides a vertical on-screen keyboard that indicates
the pitch of each event (one row per semi-tone). This mode is well suited for melodic instru-
ments (e.g., synthesizer). The Keyboard view of the Pattern Editor and the Keyboard mode on
your controller are bound together: If you enable Keyboard view in the Pattern Editor, your con-
troller automatically switches to Keyboard mode, and inversely.
Macro Control
Each Sound/Group/Master channel provides a page of eight Macro Controls to which you can
assign almost any parameter from that level or the underlying one. This way you can define for,
e.g., each Group or Sound a set of eight parameters that are quickly accessible. Furthermore,
Macro Controls can be assigned to MIDI CCs to be controlled by an external MIDI controller or
application. Last but not least, if you use MASCHINE as a plug-in in a host, Macro Controls are
available for modulation in your host too.
The Master is where all audio signals from each of the Groups and Sounds come together and
get mixed. The Master bus can also have insert effects loaded in its Plug-in slots. These ef-
fects are applied to all Groups and the Sounds within them.
Modulation allows you to record changes of parameter values so that you don’t need to actuate
these parameters in real-time. Any modulated parameter is displayed both in the Control Lane
(at the bottom of the Pattern Editor) and as a movement of the chosen parameter itself in the
Control area.
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