User Manual

The click-pads illuminate to represent each entered step. If you press an illuminated
click-pad the step is removed. This way it’s quick and easy to create a drum pattern.
4. Press SHIFT + SELECT (ACCENT) to add an accent to the step.
New steps are now be audibly more pronounced and the click-pads will be brighter to vis-
ually signify the step is accented. The controller will remain in Accent mode until you
press SHIFT + SELECT (ACCENT) again. Please note, if an accent has been placed on a
step that this will override any selected velocity setting.
5. Press PLAY to start the sequencer.
You can now hear the sequence and see a light chasing through the 8x8 matrix from left
to right. You may continue to activate or deactivate click-pads to build your sequence dur-
ing playback.
Accessing the Pattern
If your Pattern is larger than the 8x8 click-pad matrix you may want to access the other parts
that don’t fit into the Project view. To do this:
1. Press the numbered buttons (18) across the top of the Project view to access the various
parts of your Pattern.
The Project view will update to show each part of the Pattern.
2. Press SHIFT + A button to allow the controller to automatically follow the Pattern.
The Project view now automatically updates to show each part of the Pattern during play-
3. To switch to another Sound, press SELECT and the click-pad with the Sound you want to
Progressively, you build up a new Pattern.
At any time, you can leave Step mode:
Press the STEP button to exit Step mode.
Recording and Editing Patterns
Playing and Programming Beats
MASCHINE JAM - Manual - 86