User Guide

Tracking Target
Select the TrackClip button for the standard hat clip or the TrackClip PRO button for the headset clip upgrade.
Adjust the Speed slider above 1 to multiply responsiveness on all axes. Adjust the slider below 1 to decrease
responsiveness for all axes. Speed adjustments are global and will be applied to all profiles. You can see a visual
representation of the multiplier on the curve graph in the Advanced Settings. The original curve will appear as a green
line, and the multiplied curve will remain orange.
Note : Because this multiplier affects all profiles and all axes, it is not ideal for small, specific adjustments. Small speed
adjustments for particular points or particular axes should still be managed with the curve editor’s control points on a
per-profile basis.
Smoothing is used to stabilize head movement as it is converted into in-game view control. Increasing the amount of
smoothing will provide a steadier view, while decreasing the smoothing will make panning the view more responsive.
Smoothing adjustments are global and will be applied to all profiles.
5.8 Advanced Settings
5.8.1 Profile management
Profiles are a collection of settings (motion curves, hotkeys, axis enabling/disabling, etc.) that enable you to optimize
TrackIR according to game conditions and personal preferences. Primarily, profiles control how your actual head
movement is converted into in-game view control.
The TrackIR ships with some default profiles which have been tuned to perform well for a wide variety of games and
simulations. The default profile provides a good starting point for customizing the motion to suit your needs as you
become more familiar with using TrackIR.
Optimized for the broadest range of genres and game play styles. It has a fairly strong dead zone to prevent
unintended head movements from being tracked. It is more scalable than the Smooth profile, lending itself well
to broad adjustments with the Speed slider.
Similar to the Default profile, but with a very minimal dead zone and more even motion scaling across all axes.
More ideal for flight and racing than first-person.