User Guide

in the preview window below.
Using Control Points for Curve Editing
The control points on the graph allow you to change the shape of the curve by clicking and dragging the points.
You can manually enter values or fine tune with the arrow keys in the adjustment boxes above the curve.
The X value of a control point represents where your head is in actual 3D space. So, a control point with an X
value of 15 would represent actual head movement of 15 degrees (rotational) or 15 cm (translational).
The Y value of a control point represents its multiplication. So, a control point with a Y value of 4 would multiply
your actual head movement by 4 at that position. A control point with a Y value of 1 would result in 1:1
head/game movement at that position. A control point with a Y value of .5 would reduce your in game movement
to 50% of your actual head movement. A control point with a Y value of 0 would result in no in-game movement
at that position (a “dead zone”).
Combining the X and Y values into one coordinate determines how much motion scaling will occur at various
points of your actual head movement. For instance, a control point coordinate of (15,3) would result in your in-
game view control being 3x your actual head movement when your head is at 15 degrees. So, 15 degrees of real
life movement would result in 45 degrees of in-game movement.
Note : You can zoom in on any area on the graph by hovering over it with your mouse pointer and using the
scroll wheel to move in and out or left-clicking and dragging over a region. Click the scroll wheel to reset zoom.
You can resize the graph by increasing the size of the entire window or the settings pane
Deselect the mirror checkbox to manipulate control points on the graph independent of their mirrored value. This
can be especially useful in optimizing the pitch and zoom axes.
Check to reverse tracking for each particular axis. Reversing the Pitch, Roll, X, and Z axes allows for placement
of the TrackIR camera behind your head.
Check to enable 180 degree view limits on rotational axes.
Manually enter values to precisely adjust the selected control point on the graph.
If you wish to save a curve that you have created as a template for use with other curves or profiles, click the “+”
next to the Templates dropdown. This will add the curve template to the list. To change the template name, type
a new name in the field and then press “enter.”
Note : Shifting the curve down to 0 will flatten it, causing it to lose shape when shifted back up.
If you wish to save a curve that you have created as a template for use with other curves or profiles, click the “+”
next to the Templates dropdown. This will add the curve template to the list. To change the template name, type
a new name in the field and then press “enter.” Remove a template by pressing the “Delete” button (minus sign).
Stock Templates include One:One, Deadzone, Smooth, Fast, and Slow.
Adapted from the One:One default profile, this template is completely unscaled, giving an exact 1:1 ratio
between actual and in-game head movement.
Inspired by the Default profile, this template has moderate speed of motion with a large dead zone. When
head movement is relatively stationary, in-game view will not move. Movement will slow when crossing
the mid-point of axes.