User Guide

Table of Contents
1. Introduction
1. Forward
2. About NaturalPoint
2. How to use the Manual
1. Quick Start
2. Further Reading
3. Getting Started
1. Minimum Requirements
2. What's Included
3. Hardware Compatibility
4. Software and Hardware Installation
1. System Restore Point
2. Software & Drivers Installation
1. Windows Vista and newer
5. Hardware Placement
4. Using the TrackIR
1. Getting Started
1. Introduction to TrackIR Enhanced
2. Introduction to 6 DOF
3. Third Party Utilities
2. Tracking Types
3. Camera Status LED indicators
5. The TrackIR Software
1. Overview
1. Basic Settings
2. Advanced Settings
2. Size and Layout
3. Main menu
4. Application Options
5. Help menu
6. Information Pane
7. Basic Settings
8. Advanced Settings
1. Profile management
1. Create, Copy, and Delete a Profile
2. Profile Settings
3. Motion Curves
2. Title Management
3. Global Camera Settings
9. Visual Preview
1. 3D View
2. Camera View (2D Tracking Data)
10. Status Bar
1. Hot Keys
2. Software Status Indicators
6. Gaming Environment
7. Limited Warranty
8. Trouble Shooting