User Manual

You can save changes to a profile by pressing the Save button. Unsaved profile
changes can be kept or discarded by responding to the prompt that appears upon state
change or shutdown.
Note: Profiles are stored in the directory "%AppData%\NaturalPoint\TrackIR 5\Profiles". Profile Settings
To change a profile name, type the new name and then press enter.
Exclusive Load
When selected, the profile is locked as the only global profile. All TrackIR Enhanced
games will load the exclusively loaded profile. Note that as long as the Exclusive Load
feature is active, the auto loading of other profiles will be disabled.
Hotkeys allow you to map keys or buttons on other input devices to perform functions in
the TrackIR software. You can select the keys to be used, turn the hotkey on or off,
enable toggle mode, and trap the hotkey. Select the hotkey you wish to edit (Pause,
Center, or Precision) from the dropdown menu.
The Pause hotkey allows you to control whether head tracking data is being sent
to the TrackIR Enhanced title. You can pause head tracking to keep the in-game
view fixed, even while your head is moving.
The Center hotkey allows you to re-center your in-game view. Every time the
Center hotkey is pressed, it re-defines your current head position as the new
The Precision hotkey enables precision mode, which temporarily steadies the
view by increasing smoothing. When precision mode is disabled, smoothing
settings return to the normal profile preset. Precision mode is commonly used in
combat flight simulators when tracking an enemy in your sights to keep the view
as stable as possible.
Key Button
Use to map the hotkey. Clicking these buttons brings up a dialog box that allows
you to change the key assigned to the function listed next to the button. You can
assign keyboard keys, joystick buttons, or mouse buttons as hotkeys.
Enable Checkbox
Turns the associated hotkeys on and off.
Toggle Checkbox
NaturalPoint TrackIR Users Manual : Getting Started