User Manual

Adapted from the One:One default profile, this template is completely unscaled,
giving an exact 1:1 ratio between actual and in-game head movement.
Inspired by the Default profile, this template has moderate speed of motion with a
large dead zone. When head movement is relatively stationary, in-game view will
not move. Movement will slow when crossing the mid-point of axes.
Inspired by the Smooth profile, this template has moderate speed of motion with
a very slight dead zone. Actual head movement must be more stationary to keep
in-game view still than with a dead zone, but movement will be smoother when
moving across all axes.
Adapted from the Smooth template, this template has aggressive motion with a
very slight dead zone. In-game view control will require less actual head
movement, but actual head movement must be very stationary to keep in-game
view still. Movement will be smooth when moving across all axes.
Adapted from the Smooth template, this template has gentle motion with a very
slight dead zone. In-game view control will require more actual head movement,
but actual head movement does not need to be as stationary to keep in-game view
still. Movement will be smooth when moving across all axes.
Apply Curve Template
Apply a curve template to the desired axis by selecting it from the Templates.
5.8.2 Title Management
The Titles section displays a list of all TrackIR enhanced Titles, allows sorting by genre, and
enables you to assign a profile to a TrackIR Enhanced title so that the profile will be loaded
automatically when the title starts.
In order to associate profiles with titles, click on the drop-down list on the right-hand side and
select a new one from the list of available profiles. Keep in mind that the profile will not be
loaded until the title is started.
NaturalPoint TrackIR Users Manual : Getting Started