Operations and Maintenance Manual

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VS300 Operations and Maintenance Manual Operating the transmitter
Issue 10.0 2019-01-18 Page 2-133
The notifications feature (see Figure 2.111) provides a means for the transmitter to issue emails
or texts (SMS messages) triggered by user defined alarm events. If you use this feature, you
must also configure an email (see Email Configuration on page 2-131).
Figure 2.111: Notifications
To configure the notifications feature, perform the following steps:
1. Pre-existing notifications are displayed in the Notifications list (e.g., “Audio Loss”).
to create a new item for notification, click
(after highlighting an
existing item) to edit an existing item or click
to erase an item.
2. When you click
, the screen in Figure 2.112 on page 2-134 will appear. This
screen allows you to add or edit a
Notification Name
Recipient Email(s)
(use a semi-
colon to separate multiple email addresses, as applicable), and define the alarm list by
type (Controller or Exciter). Add or remove alarms by moving them (using the
>> and << arrow buttons) from the Available Alarms list to the Selected Alarms
list. An email is issued when any alarm in the Selected Alarms list is active.
Text (SMS) Messaging: In the
Recipient Email
field, you can enter a standard email
address to initiate an email or you can enter a mobile phone number and SMS gateway
to initiate a text (SMS message). The email-to-SMS text format is mobilenumber@
mobile_gateway (e.g., 5551234567@txt.bell.ca). Check with your mobile carrier to
determine the proper gateway address for your area.
3. When complete click the
button to accept changes or the
button to discard
changes and return to the