User's Manual

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DSC Procedures | RS90 Operating Manual
Distress calls
DSC is particularly useful for sending distress signals to all stations.
The process is automated to the extent that if you are under stress,
you can simply press a single, dedicated distress button—the red
button beneath the red cover on top of the RS90 handset.
When sending a distress call, the DSC radio automatically transmits
as much information as is available, including:
• The MMSI of the ship in distress;
• The position of the ship in distress; (If the radio is connected to a
• The nature of the distress.
¼ Notes
• Before the DSC functions can be used, you must enter a valid MMSI
into the RS90 radio. See “Entering or viewing your individual MMSI”
on page 81.
• If the small DSC icon is not displayed on the standby screen,
DSC may have been turned off in settings. See “Enabling DSC
functionality” on page 84.
Soft Keys
A soft key is a name that appears at the bottom of the screen and
provides additional functionality to the [SCAN] and/or [OK] and/or
[3CH] buttons during DSC operations.
Dot symbols on the handset keys and just under the display screen
indicate which keys correspond to the soft keys as follows:
• • • • •
[SCAN] key [OK] key [3CH] key
The following table shows the soft keys that occur in DSC mode.
Key Label Function
ACK Acknowledge a call
ACCEPT Accept a channel request
NEW-CH Request a new channel
PAUSE Pause a call countdown sequence
RESEND Resend the call
SILENC Silence an audible alarm
Draft v5.0
27 Feb 2014