User's Manual

| 55
DSC Procedures | RS90 Operating Manual
¼ Note: You can also send an automated LL request to selected
buddies at regular intervals. See Tracking a buddy - introduction on
page 55.
Tracking a buddy - introduction
You can select a buddy or list of buddies continuously track their
You can also start and stop tracking your buddy and add or remove
buddies from your buddy track list.
The radio sends an LL Request to each buddy in turn at a set time
interval and, if a response is received from a buddy, it displays the
buddys LL position on screen.
To set up buddy tracking, you need to:
1. Setup your buddies list. See “Buddy list setup” on page 72.
2. Create a tracking list.
3. Set the tracking interval.
4. Select a buddy to track.
5. Start/stop tracking the buddy.
Steps 2 to 5 are explained below.
¼ Note:
You can also send an individual DSC latitude and longitude request
to a buddy. See “Sending an LL request for the position of a buddy
on page 54.
Draft v5.0
27 Feb 2014