User's Manual

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WM_PRJ_Q2400_PTS_002 - 004
March 5, 2004
Microphone gain vs Max input voltage (using controller 1*)
Transmit Gain (dB) Max Vin (mVrms)
+30 43.80
+33 31.01
+36 21.95
+39 15.54
+42 11
+45 7.79
+48 5.51
+51 3.9
(*) for more details, refer to AT commands documentation [3]
Microphone gain vs Max input voltage (using controller 2*)
Transmit Gain (dB) Max Vin (mVrms)
- 6.5 3031
-6.0 2861
… …
0.0 1434
… …
+9.5 480
+10.0 454
+ 30.3 43.80
+ 30.8 41.36
… …
+ 50.8 4.14
+ 51.3 3.90
(*) for more details, refer to AT commands documentation [3]
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