User's Manual

NBS Payment Solutions 47/55 User Manual
TMS = (Terminal Management Server)
TMS functions
The TMS provides management functions for terminal equipment, i.e.
software downloading
parameter downloading
equipment monitoring (equipment status, alarms, software present, etc.)
Thanks to its modular architecture and the use of market standards, the TMS application can be adapted to
the amount of equipment to be managed. Thus a configuration for 10,000 terminals can be run on a PC
equipped with 16 serial channels, to enable the update of a software program within two weeks.
TMS breakdown
TMS comprises applications software running on one or more PCs
PC and servers under Windows NT 4.0/Windows 2000
Oracle DBMS
Person-machine interface to Windows standard
Communication with the terminals by STN lines or X25 access
TMS applications software
Services offered by the TMS:
Definition of the equipment information: terminal declarations, retailers, groups, insertion of software
and parameters, messages to terminals.
Communication with the terminals: for downloading exchanges of software, parameters, collection of
field configuration, counters, and alarms. Equipment in the EFT10, EFT20 and EFT30 ranges can also
be managed by TMS.
Terminals monitoring: for each terminal, the field configuration, field software and parameters,
history of loadings and diagnostics are available.
Equipment monitoring: audit log (call report, operator actions), report of terminals not up to date,
availability of monitoring and diagnostics data for use by external tools.
Cyclic calls: cyclic call data can be defined for each terminal. These data enable the terminal to make
a call to the TMS to periodically upload its diagnostics, and check the presence of new software or
parameters to be loaded.