User's Manual

Configuration Files C-21
EPL Status Tag Manager Configuration File (status.cfg)
The Status Tag Manager uses this file to display system status
information on EPLs. Refer to Appendix D for details about using this
file with the Status Tag Manager.
# EPL Status Tag Manager configuration file
# Each entry in this configuration file defines a message to be displayed
# on a SmarTalker status tag. A filename may also be defined that can be
# used to dynamically change the messages displayed on the status tag.
# The format of each entry should look like this:
# FILENAME, "pathname"
# EPLID, eplid1 eplid2 ...
# IDLETIME, seconds
# SYSTEM defines the name of the system for which the status tag is allocated.
# There may be multiple entries for each system. SYSTEM should be defined as
# "EPL SYSTEM" for all EPL system status tags that use MODE A.
# MODE defines one of three modes of operation: (I)mmediate, (S)cheduled, or
# (A)utomatic. Immediate mode forces an immediate display of the desired
# message. Scheduled mode forces the EPL controller to wait for IDLETIME
# seconds before sending the message. Automatic mode updates the status tag
# immediately, but displays DEFAULT_DOWNMSG when IDLETIME expires.
# FILENAME defines the name of the STAT file that is used to pass new messages
# to be displayed on the status tag. FILENAME must be a fully qualified
# pathname. (STAT file contents must be ASCII, and only the first 8 characters
# are displayed in the status tag's LCD window. The "^" character may be used
# to embed descriptor escape sequences.)
# EPLID defines the EPLIDs that correspond to the status tags that the user
# wishes to allocate to SYSTEM. Multiple EPLIDs may be defined. Each EPLID
# must be unique, and must not be allocated in the EPL Table.
# DEFAULT_UPMSG defines the message that the status tag displays when the
# system's status is good.
# DEFAULT_DOWNMSG defines the message that the status tag displays when the
# system's status is bad.
# DEFAULT_MSG defines a message that is always displayed regardless of the
# system's status. The "^" character may be used to embed escape sequences.
# IDLETIME is valid for MODES A and S. IDLETIME defines the delay time (in
# seconds) beween the time a message is sent to a status tag and the time the
# tag's LCD changes.