User's Manual

A device used to transmit and receive RF communication between
a CBS and ESLs. One transmit and up to four receive antennas may
be attached to each CBS. Antennas are usually installed on the
ARP (Address Resolution Protocol)
A network communication protocol used to provide a cross
reference between MAC addresses and IP addresses.
Mounting devices used to attach ESLs to shelf rails.
Base Runtime Software
A software application for the RealPrice System that runs on the
RealPrice Software Controller and is not dependent on the type of
POS system used. The Base Runtime Software controls the core
RealPrice functionality such as initialization of a ESL, display of
price on an ESL, and diagnostics.
CBS (Communication Base Station)
CBSs receive and transmit data and control functions to the ESLs.
Up to 40 CBSs can be installed in a store. One CBS is defined as the
primary CBS and the others as secondary CBSs. CBSs are usually
installed in the ceiling.