User's Manual

A-2 Glossary
CBS Power Supply
This external AC/DC converter supplies DC power to a maximum
of three CBSs. An additional CBS Power Supply is required for
each additional group of three CBSs.
Country Code Keys
CBS parameters that identify the power level, number of frequency
bands, and the operating frequencies specific to each CBS model.
Coverage Area
An area within a store where there is reliable RF communication
between CBSs and ESLs. More than one CBS is required in a large
store to attain adequate transmission reliability.
ESL (Electronic Shelf Label)
An ESL is the device attached to the store shelf that displays
information for the customer.
Install Mode
A CBS operating mode where all CBS's communicate with ESLs
using the odd numbered timeslots (1-23). This mode is used when
running installation and test utilities; Initial Load, RF Certification,
and dncalib, and is not intended for normal day-to-day operations.
IP (Internet Protocol)
IP Address
An address format ( used to communicate with
devices or components in a network. The format includes network
IDs, subnetwork IDs, and host IDs.
ISP (In-Store Processor)
The computer in the store that contains the price database used by
the POS system. The ISP integrates PLU information into the
RealPrice System.