User's Manual

Chapter 1: Introduction 1-5
Activity Task Reference
Install RealPrice
Load the RealPrice Base
Software Guide
Chapter 2
Configure RealPrice
Software for CBS units
Modify CBS Configuration file
(dncbsconfig.xml) using
RealPrice Support Utility
Software Guide
Chapter 4
Configure CBS Units Set store-specific CBS
parameters using RealPrice
Support Utility (dnutils)
Hopping Table
Software Guide
Chapter 4
Confirm CBS
Verify CBS Diagnostic Log
and Tally information using
RealPrice Support Utility
Utilities Guide
Chapter 2
Perform Power Supply
Configuration Test
Verify that the correct number
of CBS units are connected to
each Power Supply
Three (3) CBS units are
connected to each 24V Power
Five (5) CBS units are
connected to each 48V Power
Utilities Guide
Chapter 4
Perform Healthcheck on
all CBS receive antennas
Use Coverage Test utility
(dncalib) to display RSSI
(Received Signal Strength
Indicator) data
Utilities Guide
Chapter 4
Certify the Site Use the RF Certification Utility
to confirm RF infrastructure
functionality and coverage
Implementation Guide and
RF Certification Utility