User's Manual

3-2 Chapter 3: Maintenance
Windows 2000/NT/XP and AIX Environment Procedures
The component replacement sections in this chapter provide steps that
can be followed for RealPrice installations in Windows 2000, Windows
NT, Windows XP, and AIX UNIX environments. However, the
procedures to stop and start the RealPrice System software are
different for Windows and AIX installations. Also, the CBS Support
Utility (dnutils.exe) shipped with the RealPrice Base Software for
Windows NT/2000/XP and the CBS Setup utility (dncbssetup.exe) in
RealPrice for AIX Release 3.1 have different procedures to access the
functions available in each utility. This section identifies the
environment-specific differences to use when replacing RealPrice
hardware components.
Stopping and Starting RealPrice Using the Start Button
Stop the RealPrice System software by clicking on the Start button
and selecting Programs > RealPrice> Stop RealPrice Applications.
Start the RealPrice System software by clicking on the Start button
and selecting Programs > RealPrice > Start RealPrice
Stopping and Starting at a System Prompt
The following commands can be used in Windows 2000. Windows NT,
and Windows XP at a DOS prompt and in AIX at the AIX UNIX
To stop RealPrice, enter the following command:
To start RealPrice, enter the following command: