User's Manual

Chapter 3: Maintenance 3-13
9. Click the OK button and proceed to the next step.
10. Repeat Steps 4 - 6 for each CBS in the network.
11. Re-start the RealPrice software. Select
StartÆProgramsÆRealPriceÆStart RealPrice Applications.
12. Use the RealPrice Support utility to verify all CBSs have new
AIX UNIX Installations
Use the following procedure to update CBS firmware in an AIX UNIX
1. Refer to the site's Installation data or use the CBS Configuration
utility to obtain the IP Addresses of all the installed CBS's.
2. Insert the update diskette in Drive A.
3. Enter the following commands at the Unix prompt.
cd /tmp
dosread ROMxxx.BIN > ROMxxx.BIN
where ROMxxx.BIN is the name of the update file (such as
4. Enter the following command at the Unix prompt.
ftpdl ROMxxx.BIN
ROMxxx.BIN is the name of the update file (such as ROM310.bin)