User's Manual Part 5

ATPC Power Mode:
Indicates the status of ATPC operation mode.
When the ATPC function is improper, stop the
control and maintain the TX output level at
HOLD/MAX/MIN selectable.
INTFC (Main/Sub)
INTFC(1/2) Module:
Indicates the operating status of the ( ) INTFC.
When any failure occurs in the INTFC(1/2)
Module, “Alarm” is issued.
INTFC(1) Unequipped:
Indicates the existence status of the ( ) INTFC.
When the ( ) INTFC(1) is not equipped, “Alarm”
is issued.
INTFC(2) Unequipped (for SONET):
Indicates the existence status of the ( ) INTFC.
When the ( ) INTFC(2) is not equipped, “Alarm”
is issued.
INTFC(1/2) Type Mismatch:
Indicates the mounted status of the ( ) INTFC.
When the INTFC(1/2) type is not coincided with
the inventory list, “Alarm” is issued.
INTFC(1) In-Phase:
Indicates the received signal DADE status
between No. 1 and No. 2 at STM/( )E1 INTFC.
When the received signal delay time is out of
permissible range, Outphase alarm is issued.
OC-3(1) LOS (MUX) (for SONET):
Indicates the input signal status of the OC-3 from
MUX. When the input is disconnected, “Alarm” is
OC-3(1) LOF (MUX) (for SONET):
Indicates the input signal status of the OC-3 from
MUX. When the input signal is out of frame
synchronization, “Alarm” is issued.
E-BER(1) (MUX) (for SONET):
Indicates Excessive-BER of the input OC-3 signal
from MUX. When the signal deteriorates below
the preset threshold level, “Alarm” is issued. The
settable threshold values are 1E-3, 1E-4 and 1E-5.
OC-3(1) SD (MUX) (for SONET):