User's Manual

the message is not already sent)
Forward: Forwards the message.
Copy attached to SD card: Copies an attached file on the microSD.
(Only applicable when a file is attached.)
Import contacts: Imports content of attached vCard file to Contacts.
(Only applicable when an attached file is vCard.)
Copy message text: Copies the text of the message to the
View message details: Displays details such as message type and
sender’s phone number.
Delete message: Deletes the message.
Sending a message
Sending a text message
You can send text message (SMS) of up to 160 characters* to another
mobile phone. If you keep typing after the limit, your message is sent as
a series of messages.
* If you send message to an Email address, you can send message of
up to 160 characters including the Email address.
1. Touch the Launcher icon on the Home screen.
The Launcher opens.
2. Touch the Messaging icon .
The Messaging screen opens.
3. Touch New message.
4. Enter the mobile phone number of the person you are sending the
message to in the “To” field. As you enter the phone number, the
search function makes suggestions.
5. You can touch a suggestion or continue entering the phone number.
6. Touch the “Type to compose” field and start entering your message.
7. Touch Send.
The Message thread screen opens and the sent message appears
next to the name “Me.