User's Manual

Share link: Shares the link via Email, text message, or social
networking site.
Copy link URL: Copies the link’s URL to the clipboard.
sWhen you touch a phone number link, the Phone application opens
and allows you to place a call to that number.
sWhen you touch a street address link, the VZ Navigator
opens with
a map of the area.
Going back and forward between opened web pages
sTouch the Back key to go back to the previous page.
sTouch the Menu key
> More > Forward to go to the next page.
Viewing your most frequently visited pages
1. Touch the bookmark icon on the URL bar.
If the URL bar is not visible, scroll up until the URL bar can be seen or
touch the Menu key
2. Touch the Most visited tab.
The titles of the most frequently visited pages are listed in order.
3. Touch the page’s title to open the page.
sBookmarked pages have a gold star next to their title.
sWhen you touch a gold star next to the page’s title, the page is
deleted from the bookmark.
sWhen you touch a gray star next to the page’s title, the page is
added to the bookmark.
Viewing the history of the visited web pages
1. Touch the bookmark icon on the URL bar.
If the URL bar is not visible, scroll up until the URL bar can be seen,
or touch the Menu key