User's Manual

Location Based Services (LBS)
Your wireless device can determine its (and your) physical,
geographical location (“Location Information”). Certain software
applications are capable of accessing, collecting and using Location
Information and disclosing the information to the application
provider and other people. You should use caution and discretion
when determining whether or not Location Information should be
made available to them. To limit potential unauthorized access to
your Location Information, Verizon Wireless devices are preset to
“E911 ONLY” which will only allow authorized emergency response
personnel to locate you if you dial 9-1-1 from your wireless device.
By changing the setting on the device to “LOCATION ON” you are
enabling third party access to Location Information through software,
widgets or peripheral components you choose to download, add
or attach to your wireless device. Verizon Wireless encourages you
to check your wireless device periodically and only use software,
widgets and peripheral components that are obtained from reliable
sources. When you use your mobile browser or other services and
applications, you authorize Verizon Wireless to collect, use and
disclose your Location Information as appropriate to provide you
with any location services that you enabled. Verizon Wireless does
not retain Location Information longer than necessary to provide
the services to you. We will not knowingly disclose your Location
Information to third parties without your consent. You should carefully
review the privacy policies of application providers and third parties
who you allow access to your Location Information, and you should
know that significant risks can be associated with disclosing your
Location Information to others.